Monday, July 20, 2009

Shoot---ain't I lucky?

About a month ago we took the boys fishing. It was splendid fun until we caught the fish. Seth adamantly told us to put the fish back in the water and Eliott just said, "hurt, back in the water." As we were watching them I was in complete awe of how fast this whole life process occurs. It seems as though it were yesterday that I looked in disbelief at the positive pregnancy test; and in the same breath it seems ancient that I was an incubator for this small child only two years ago.

I just had my ten year reunion and let me tell you---it was entertaining, although I am looking forward to the twenty year reunion much much more. I think we were still in high school a smidge---so most cliques remained and a few people scoffed at one another as if the halls of LHS were still around us. I will be honest, it was a little fresh to feel insecure for a moment because of who you considered yourself to be in high school and SHIT you are right back where you left off. Ten years is really not that long.

I say these things only because a few of my own resentments were permeating around me as I saw old faces that I was hurt by in my adolescent years. Oh how cruel children are to one another. So as end result I see my growth now after this reunion and realize how dramatically different I am, and my life is. Thank GOD! It was refreshing to laugh over old stories and see people that I still hold dear, but all too haunting at the same time.

In other news I am entering my second year of school this fall at EOU. It is a reminder how fresh those high school memories are when you are surrounded by young faces all over again. I will be running cross country this fall and track this spring---marathon specific. My goal is to hit a 3:00 marathon time that will bust the record for women up at EOU. I think it is unbelievably attainable and I feel very lucky for the people speaking into my athletic life these days. I also am so serene about the fact that I waited so long to pursue this endurance athleticism later in life...after childbirth and growing pains I have a new tolerance to pain that will enable a better performance.

Other than that I am staying busy at my new location of 1425 Washington Ave. in La Grande building my massage client base. I'm not doing a whole lot---just being a mom, wife, student, massage therapist, athlete, sister and friend. I look forward to my upcoming aspirations and all that life has for me---on life's terms of course.

PS-I am approaching 90 days of sobriety this week....I can't believe what my HP and the people in the program have enabled me to do!!